(all donations are appreciated)


  1. Toilet Paper
  2. Bar soap
  3. Canned Beef Stew
  4. Canned Carrots
  5. Canned Peas
  6. Ketchup & Mustard
  7. Canned Chicken 
  8. Canned fruit (pears, peaches, mandarin oranges)

Another list is in a stand as well as you walk into the Piggly Wiggly on the left hand side by the carts. It gets changed weekly and contains sale items of the week that the food pantry currently needs. By the cash registers before you leave the store, there is a food drop box for the pantry.

Buying items on either list help keep our purchasing costs down. Thank you for your support. Click the button below for a list of other items that we stock and purchase.

Updated  05/03/2024

We are accepting food and personal care donations, focusing ONLY on what is on our Top Ten List.  Fresh Garden produce is also accepted. 

Due to our current food distribution process, donated items that are not on our Top 10 list will likely not be utilized for quite some time. If you are purchasing items specifically for donation, please refer to the Top 10 list. The list is updated several times per month and reflects the items that are most beneficial to our clients and current process.

We have limited food and clothing donation hours.  Please read the following guidelines before you make your donation.

Thank you for helping us keep volunteers and staff safe by following these guidelines.

Financial donations – Over the next months, our operations may need to significantly shift and we may have unplanned expenses to try and continue to assist our community.  Many of the people we serve are already at a greater risk, including low-income families, people with existing health conditions, healthcare workforce, and older adults.  Donations are always welcome and helpful.