Donate Food
If you are a company, organization, or a family who wishes to do a food drive, contacting us ahead of time is extremely helpful. We can give you a suggested needs list and then coordinate a time to drop off when your food drive is completed. Buying from our needs lists keeps our purchasing costs lower due to stocking only certain items for our weekly client orders. Thank you so much for your support and consideration on a food drive.
Our Top 8 most needed is a list of items we out of or have very low inventory. The purple button that says “Pantry Stock Items” are also great products to donate. Donating from the “Top 8 or Pantry Stock Items” helps us the most financially. What we don’t get donated, we need to buy monthly. Our budget is between $3,500 and $5,000 a month of what we spend on food purchases. Call or email if you have any questions. Any food donations are accepted and appreciated, but purchasing stock food items is most beneficial.
Donation Ideas
- Have a lemonade stand. Donate profits to the food pantry or shop from our list on our website.
- Neighborhood food drive. Put bags on your neighbor’s door with a note that you are collecting for the Waunakee Food Pantry and indicate the items you are collecting.
- Donate extra produce from your garden.
- Fill a container with extra change and donate to the pantry or shop for items from our website.
- Fill a bucket with extra change and donate to the pantry or as team shop for items using our website.
- Fill your boss’s office with food. Have a contest to see whose boss receives the most food and reward your team with lunch.
- Collect food items based on a theme.
- Office bake sale – food panty item buys a bake sale item
- Collect change and see what classroom collects the most
- Collect food items based on a theme
- Pay library fines with a food donation
Pick a Theme
- Picnic – peanut butter, jelly, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, granola bars, pudding snacks, crackers
- Winter warm up – chunky soups, tuna, canned chicken, hot chocolate, canned stew, canned pasta meals
- Dinner/Hot dish – spaghetti/egg/elbow/penne pasta, tuna, canned chicken, canned vegetables, instant potatoes, instant rice (white & brown), pasta and rice side, spaghetti sauce, diced tomatoes, jalapenos, green chilies, tomato sauce.
- Snack attack – granola bars, microwave popcorn, pudding cups, hot chocolate
- Collect for a specific meal
- Breakfast/Rise n’ shine – pancake mix, syrup, cereal, instant oatmeal, old fashioned oats, jams, juice
- Lunch – peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit, tuna, canned chicken, Spaghettios, Macaroni and Cheese
- Dinner – Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, tuna, canned chicken, instant mashed potatoes, rice, beef stew, spaghetti/egg/elbow/penne pasta, spaghetti sauce
- Pasta Patrol – macaroni & cheese, canned pasta meals, spaghetti/egg/elbow/penne pasta, spaghetti sauce, ramen noodles
- Build a Food Sculpture – mountain of macaroni & cheese, tower of tuna, pile of pasta.
- Meat the need – tuna, canned chicken, can beef stew
- Souper bowl – coincide with Super Bowl in January – donate stocked soup.
- Taste of Italy – spaghetti/egg/elbow/penne pasta, spaghetti/pasta sauce, tomato sauce, tomato paste
- Fruits and Veggies – canned mandarin oranges, peaches pears, corn, peas, green beans, carrots
If you have large donation or fresh produce please contact us at [email protected] or call and leave a message at 608-850-4346 to discuss the potential donation drop off.
Other donation drop off sites include Piggly Wiggly, various churches, the library and State Bank of Cross Plains
Donations may be left in the black donation boxes located by the Waunakee Food Pantry doors. Donation boxes are checked twice daily 7 days a week and product is brought inside. Please do not leave any fresh food in the box. Call or email the pantry to arrange a drop off time.
Please do not deliver food donations during our food distribution times as it is difficult to step away from our process to assist with receiving the donations.