Dates we serve families:

Feb 8th, 2025 (10:00-12:00)   
Feb. 12th, 2025 (4:00-6:00)
Feb. 13th, 2025 (10:00-12:00)
Feb. 19th, 2025 (4:00-6:00)
Feb. 20th, 2025 (10:00-12:00)
Feb. 26th, 2025 (4:00-6:00)
Feb. 27th, 2025 (10:00-12:00)

New Registration to be Apart of the Food Pantry

  1. Making an appointment is best by calling 608-850-4346 or emailing us at [email protected]
  2. If you can or are willing, bring a photo ID and a piece of mail with proof of address, but not required
  3. A few questions will be asked like family names, birthdates, and a general income question
  4. Once you are registered, a food order can be made online by clicking the purple ” Pre-Order Food Here” button above.
  5. Food orders can be done on paper as well, but that is better explained in person.

Emergency Food Needed

  1. Call or email and we can help you in most situations within 24- 48 hours
  2. 608-850-4346 or [email protected]

Existing Members of the Food Pantry

  1. It’s not required but if you have a photo ID it can help
  2. Remember your food order has a due date depending on the week. Late orders can’t be filled since we have volunteers do the preparation one time a week.
  3. If you don’t have an order, you can still come to the pantry to receive fresh food, extra food and two bags of general groceries
  4. If you can’t pick up your order call or email. This is very important. We can figure out a different time for pick up by appointment or hold your order until the next pantry.
  5. If our hours don’t work well for you due to your work schedule, please call or email. We can give you the information for the other food pantries close by that serve Dane County. You can also ask someone else to pick up your food, but we need to know who that person is before they come.

Information for the Waunakee Community

  1. Our open hours are when we serve clients
  2. People are working at the pantry 7 days a week, but not always at set times. Call or email anytime
  3. The food drop boxes outside the pantry get checked twice a day
  4. Purchasing what we stock helps us more than donating other foods. Check out our stock items under the donate food tab. If you clean out your pantry and want to donate other unexpired items, we will accept them.
  5. For more information, look at the various tab buttons on the website
  6. If you want to speak to the Director, Kathy Gundrum, regarding questions, food drives, donations, volunteering etc.. please call or email. Conversations and appointments can be made with her. 608-850-4346 or [email protected]
  7. Thank you for supporting the Waunakee Food Pantry

WFP is a TEFAP pantry.  Income eligibility for TEFAP pantries has expanded.  If you have a need, please come to our food distribution.

We try to connect you with the assistance, care and concern you need to get you through a crisis.


The Waunakee Food Pantry services those living within the boundary lines of the Waunakee School District. This includes many areas in and around Waunakee including Town of Westport, Vienna, Springfield, City of Middleton, Madison and Town of Dane. If you live outside the district lines, government food is available to you, but not our entire food product.